Cop23: how to move from political to practice?

Cop 23 FIJI

The Cop 23, organized by the Fiji Islands and hosted in Bonn promises to be political following the disengagement of the United States. Seazen is committed to a concrete solution accessible to all that may seem very far from environmental geopolitical issues. We believe that these 2 dimensions must go hand in hand. You will find in this article an inventory of "global" articles as well as a list of concrete actions that we think are achievable at the level of everyone.

What is the news communicated by the media?

The IMF through its Director Christine Lagarde alert us:

'In 50 years, we will be toasted, roasted and grilled'

"If we do not deal with these issues (...) we will face a dark future," said Christine Lagarde, chief executive of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on Tuesday (October 24th), at the start of a conference titled " Future Investment Initiative ", attended by some 2,500 delegates

Sources Boursorama, AFP, oct 26th 2017

According to the UN, unless a quick break, the battle to stay below the 2° increase is lost

Global warming: the battle of 2 ° C is almost lost

The United Nations is to ring the alarm about the insufficient efforts of the states to contain the rise in global temperature. After 2030, it will be too late

Sources Le Monde, oct 31st 2017

Even the Trump administration agrees with this observation:

The White House, the seat of the US presidency, approved the publication Friday of a major scientific report on climate that concludes that climate change is real, probably results from human activities and already affects the lives of Americans

Sources Le Parisien, nov 4th 2017

There is a gap between the stakes of the planet and our daily lives

Since the launch of SeaZen, we have found that there is a gap between the world's climate change stories, the technology advances announced by the media, and the day-to-day practice available to the general public.

We have found through exchanges with our enthusiastic customers, that this is explained by a lack of information and the fact that it takes time to change our habits. 

What can we do concretely on our scale?

How to act effectively in favor of the energy transition?

Everyone must act at their level, changing their habits. We will try to sketch a simple list of achievable actions. This list is not exhaustive, far from it! We invite our readers to react to this article by proposing other concrete actions that seem relevant to them.

Responsible action achievable at the personal level Link to solutions
Sorting Guide du tri sélectif (French)
Put low energy light bulbs Dossier Que Choisir (French)
Use public transport Enquête les français et le transport en commun (French)
Renovate your home Travaux de rénovation énergétique (French)
Pass to electric vehicle Forum Automobile Propre (French)

Regarding your sea trips, of course we recommend to try the solar boat! The Côte d'Azur offers the only means of transport in the world, 100% solar autonomous and self-service.